Top 7 Actions You Should Take To Prevent Pests Coming To Your Place 

Not all pests are harmful! You require few common pests on this planet to take care of other small insects and pests. Else, the situation will be hazardous! Yes, there are few stubborn pests that can enter your place and make your life miserable. You need to take serious action to prevent their entry or growth.

Let’s quickly take a look at few things you must do to keep your place pest-free:

  • Timely Repairs and Construction

Firstly, complete your house construction. Do not leave any construction work incomplete or unattended. This may leave certain gaps or spaces from where the pests can enter and invade your property. You must also do timely repairs as any crevices or holes are homes to pests. 

Pests can live any space that has no or very little human access. A tiny hole is enough for a centipede or ants or other small pests. 

  • Close Your Trash Can Lids

Dump all your trash in cans. Never leave any trash bag outside or any place unattended. Immediately close the lid of trash cans after every use. Trash is a clear calling to all the varieties of pests. Leaving it open emits some kind of smell that attracts multiple pests to this place. 

You can also use herbal sprays before and after throwing the garbage to avoid pest infestation or other insects. Use appropriate and strong eco-friendly garbage bags to avoid any trash leakage.

  • Do Not Leave Any Food

The smell of food is a direct welcome to a large number of pests. Rodents, flees and roaches are quite common in and around food prone areas. Do not leave any food residue in your dining plates. Wash your utensils immediately after use. 

If you are an owner of food factories, hotels or restaurants or any food outlet, pest control service becomes an inevitable option for you.   

  • Check and Fix All Leakages

Any water leakage is an added call to some creepy pests like cockroaches, snails, frogs, millipedes, centipedes, and others. Pests like swampy and marshy areas. It is easier for them to move in marshy areas. Besides, they beat the heat in such areas during summers. If you do not want to see creepy insects or pests at your place, start fixing all the leakages. 

Have a habit of checking all the faucets before you go to bed. Go for bathroom, toilet and kitchen sink repairs from where the water can leak easily. Never postpone any repair work. 

  • De-clutter Your House

Clutter is a good house to some common pests. They can easily hide in places where clutter is or things are overloaded. Keep usable things only at home and discard all the old unusable items. Any old wooden furniture or stuff should be immediately thrown out as this could be a home to termites anytime soon. 

Rats, mice, squirrels, raccoons, spiders, flees, bugs and other common pests are always found where clutter is. Hence, de-cluttering is the only way to get rid of such pests. 

  • Use Natural Pesticides

If you have regular problems of pests or pest infestation, only an herbal pesticide can help you to get rid of them. Although, herbal pesticides do not act hard on every pest; still it is a better option than doing nothing at all. Fleas, mosquitoes, roaches, spiders, bees and lizards can definitely be taken care of by using herbal sprays.

Natural pesticides are also not harsh on human and pet health. In fact, most of them are eco-friendly and non-toxic in nature.    

  • Maintain Your Garden 

If you have a garden – be it a terraced or in open lawn – pests make it their home due to plants and flowers blooming in that place. Also, the moisture of soil protects most of the pests from dehydration during summer months. It is highly recommended that you maintain your garden to avoid pests. 

Garden should be properly organized and managed from time to time. Any pest infestation should be immediately noticed to take prompt and appropriate actions.

You can use sites such as to get more details to protect your place from pests.